Digital Delivery Mastery: Harnessing Data to Elevate Customer Experience

Product : Amplitude Growth

Use Case : Delivery Times

Industry : Logistics

Timely deliveries in the digital realm are more than a service; they're a promise. A leading online delivery service, with a footprint spanning various regions, faced a dilemma. Their delivery timeframes, as projected by their app, weren't always met. The mission? Decode the inconsistency and streamline the delivery journey.


of orders delivered outside the time estimated by the app


retention in users who received the order at the estimated time compared to those who received them with delays.


The Challenge

While the platform boasted an expansive delivery network, certain outlets consistently lagged in punctuality. This pattern wasn't just a logistical concern; it was a dent in customer trust. The task at hand was twofold: unearth the cause and devise a strategy to rectify it.

The Solution

With our rich history in analytics, we teamed up with Amplitude to dissect the platform's delivery metrics. Our in-depth analysis spotlighted the outlets that were off-track.

But pinpointing the issue was just the start. Our data-driven insights paved the way for proactive engagement with these outlets. Through constructive dialogues, we discerned their challenges and provided guidance on optimal practices. To ensure adherence, a rigorous framework, replete with alerts and repercussions, was established.


The turnaround was both rapid and remarkable. In a mere month, orders missing their delivery window dropped by 11%. Additionally, a 3% uptick was observed in user loyalty among those who received timely deliveries. By tapping into the power of strategic analytics, the platform not only regained customer confidence but also refined its delivery mechanism, setting new benchmarks in service excellence.

"KernelPI Team and Amplitude are amazing assets. With just a few clicks, we were able to find very interesting insights that we could define as actionables. In just one month, we were able to see the positive impact of these actionables and measure our progress."

Cristobal Daponte
Product Lead at Wabi

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